Friday, June 8, 2012

3D printing!! I can't wait...

2 weeks ago I destroyed the plastic gear (about the size of a silver dollar) in the hand mixer I was using to make mixed drinks.  To get the gear replaced they wanted $70.  Shit!! That is more than the mixer.

Now I can just print it myself!!!

The possibilities are endless!!

It can even print itself!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

This seems like a really interesting read:

"..For too long, the debate over the possibility of some sort of hereafter has been dominated by these two diametrically opposed views. So much so, that the general public is not aware that there is some very good evidence supporting the idea that, at the time of our physical death, some part of us 'continues on'. In the book I am currently writing, I will tell the story of how, for more than a hundred years, scientists have been finding evidence for consciousness continuing on beyond death; people have been recounting their own personal encounters with 'the other side of the veil'; and some of the world's best thinkers have been suggesting that human consciousness may be far more than just the accidental by-product of a flesh-and-blood brain. The evidence may not be concrete, but it's certainly enough for any person to hold a 'rational' belief that we all continue on in some way. "

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Brewing the Battle Ax Brown Ale

So, this is my brother-in-law's microbrewery he built in his garage. The left keg/kettle is for boiling water. Inside the kettle is an electric heating element that can heat the water to over 220 F. Also in the kettle is copper tubing that runs the wort (what will become beer after fermenting) from the second through the hot water with out directly coming in contact with the heating source. This prevents burning of the vegetable matter in the liquid. In the upper left of the image ins the control panel that automates the entire process of the recipe (which can be altered). Anyway it's really complicated to explain and it takes about 3 hours to make the beer and 8 weeks to ferment / age the beer. But the end result has been most tasty!